Farewell HostCentral, Hello McGooHQ

My domain and hosting came up for renewal just the other day, so I took the opportunity to have a look around for a new host. I have had nothing but excellent service from HostCentral for the last three years, however with the wedding pending, saving money was more of a concern.

I ended up going with McGooHQ, who are hosted in Canberra and powered by Internode/Agile bandwidth; who just happen to be my ISP as well.

If the site is temporarily unavailable in the near future, you know why. In case you’d like to know if your name servers are returning you the new or old IP address of the server, my current one is 203.209.x.y while the new one is 150.101.x.y.

Happy DNS propogation!

[Edit]: If you are seeing this addition, you are viewing the new site!

3 thoughts on “Farewell HostCentral, Hello McGooHQ

  1. Yeah, the other comment I made about McGooHQ is right up there as well. Not long after I changed over, I thought I’d checkout the performance of their network & servers, turns out they hammer.

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