I like roadworks, they are carried out to improve the condition of a particular section of road. What I don’t like is that the people that schedule them seem to have little concern for the volumes of motorists which traffic those same sections of roads each morning and afternoon.
If a particular section of road is undergoing major work, then closing the road or some portion of it is justified during peak hour traffic. If on the other hand, the work being carried out is quite minor, then the work should be scheduled for the off peak times of the day.
At the Gold Coast, there are two major arterial roads that run parallel to the beach and they service a huge amount of traffic at peak hour. This morning, a 500m stretch of the right lane was closed inbound to the city. The problem of course, is that they did it at peak hour – so the huge volume of traffic merging caused congestion and delays.
Is it too much to ask that minor roadworks are not carried out between the hours of 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm?
I guess I should have taken that into account Paul!
Regarding the site, it’s coming along slowly but I’m really happy with where it’s heading. I figured if I didn’t put it live incomplete, I wouldn’t put it live at all.
>> Is it too much to ask that minor roadworks are not carried out between the hours of 7am-9am and 4pm-6pm?
Yes. Those are the core hours for road workers. The rest of the time (9am till 4pm) is lunch break!
I like the new theme by the way!