Category Archives: Videos

Blurred Lines vs Defined Lines

Robin Thicke is an American-Canadian musician who recently put out a very catchy song named Blurred Lines, which has been a massive success around the world and the official music videos (both censored & uncensored) have received over 200 million views on YouTube alone.

The content of the music video with either scantily clad (censored) or topless (uncensored) models dancing & prancing has unsurprisingly drawn criticism around different groups around the world.

As part of 40 comedy skits put together by Auckland University Law students for their annual Law Revue, one group of inspired students thought they’d do a feminist parody of Robin Thicke Blurred Lines, named Defined Lines. Since it is from a feminist point of view, the lyrics have been rewritten, reversed and the models are now scantily clad blokes. For those that are easily offended, the content and lyrics are a bit rude in places but it is really really well done – very creative!

Downhill Mountain Biker Versus Peregrine Falcon

Red Bull have built their brand in recent years on the back of sponsoring elite level and extreme sports, whether it is the Red Bull Air Race or the more recent events like Red Bull Stratos where Felix Baumgartner skydived from the 128100 feet and broke the sound barrier on the way back down or the Formula 1!

The video below shows a Red Bull sponsored downhill mountain biking champion racing a peregrine falcon, which happens to be the fastest bird of prey on the planet, down a mountain bike course while the peregrine is swooping and bomb diving him on the cyclists descent attempting to retrieve a bright yellow package from his back.

I love the amazing camera work, it really highlights just how fast and amazingly agile the peregrine falcon is in the wild. Now imagine how the prey must feel when a peregrine bomb dives them at over 320kph and the fastest ever recorded speed was 389kph!