Kottke Style Archives

Kottke Style Archives, a WordPress archives plugin which emulates http://www.kottke.org/everfreshKottke Style Archives is a WordPress archives plugin which produces an archive list in a similar format to that of Jason Kottke.

The ingenious thing about the format Jason has chosen, is that it suits a large archive list or displaying a highly compressed archive list. If you’re wondering why you might have such a requirement, consider browsing a typical WordPress archives page with more than two years worth of content on a handheld device. In this scenario, you don’t have a lot of screen real-estate to work with; so keeping your content short and to the point is just what the doctor ordered.


  1. Download arl_kottke_archives.zip
  2. Unzip the file to your local machine somewhere
  3. Upload the arl_kottke_archives.php into your plugins folder (normally: /wp-content/plugins/)
  4. Enable the plugin via your administration console
  5. Edit your appropriate WordPress template file (normally: /wp-content/themes/<theme_name>/archives.php) and add a call to arl_kottke_archives()


The plugin has the following function signature:

arl_kottke_archives([$month_separator], [$month_format])

which means that it accepts two optional parameters.

The first paramter is the separating characters between each month, which has a default value of a single space. Some people might prefer the look of each month separated by a comma and a space. If you liked that style of formatting, you would need to send in ', ' to the first parameter.

The second parameter is the format of the month names which are displayed. By default, it uses the the capital M format option which will output the short month name. You could also use a capital F, to display the full month name if you wanted.



  • 2007-01-27
    • Fixed a bug in the SQL which was displaying posts and pages
    • Removed a tiny amount of debugging code
  • 2006-11-22
    • Updated SQL statement to use the $wpdb->posts table reference. (via Ben Chun)
    • Added second parameter to allow the printed month format to be customised. It will accept any valid PHP date parameters. (via Ben Chun)
  • 2006-11-11: Initial release